Numerology Numbers
Do you know the numerology numbers in your life? Numerology or the study of numbers says that everything in our life can be interpreted in the form of numerological vibrations from numbers 1 to 9. This can have a good or bad effect on your personality, behavior and ability to achieve your goals. Get to know the meanings of numerology numbers like lifepath, destiny, expression, personality, soul urge, karma, heart desire number and 29 such important numerology numbers. Become your own numerologist by using these free online number calculators. Get free number meanings and detailed interpretations for each number in your life based on your date of birth and name.
Life path number is the most important one among all the numbers in numerology. Calculated based on your date of birth, it reveals a lot of things about your life and personality. An analysis of your life path number reveals the positive as well as negative traits of your personality. Moreover, you will also come to know how they are to change in course of time. Life path number is calculated by adding up the digits in your date of birth till the result is a single digit. More...
Destiny number reveals a lot of things about you such as your goal in life, the direction you are going to take in life and it conveys all the talents, competencies and limitations you have. Destiny number reading is beneficial for you because it lets you know who you are going to become in life and what kind of resources you have at hand; a reading through which you can learn how you live your life efficiently. More...
The date of your birth has a major role to play in life. It reflects the kind of personality you have and the possibilities that remain latent in you. Your date of birth is the most finite number that will stay with you throughout your course of life. According to numerology, birthday number is basically the number of the day that you were born. Calculated in both single and double digits, the birthday-number is the second most important number after your life path number. More...
Soul urge number, often referred to as heart desire number is a very important numerology number that influences your innermost desires. An analysis of your soul urge number will reveal your upper most desire. It will let you know about your intimate self and your hidden passions. It will also make you aware of your sub-conscious wishes. Your soul urge number or heart desire number reveals your likes and dislikes, which you may want to keep private. More...
Born as a human being, it is just impossible not to have an attitude. And, each individual has an attitude of their own. Even if someone claims that he/she does not care about having a particular attitude, it becomes evident that it is a kind of attitude. In fact, it will not be an exaggeration if it is said that human idiosyncrasy owes significantly to the uniqueness of attitudes of individuals. Attitude is nothing but your take on the world as you see & think of it. More...
Balance number, according to numerology, is the number that tells how emotionally strong and composed you are when it comes to facing challenges. It is immensely important in determining how you deal with turbulent situations. Numerologists calculate your balance number by adding the numerical value of your name’s initials. Balance number, also known as expression number can give you ideas as to how to deal with difficult situations. More...
Numerology happens to be one of the most ancient forms of mystic practices, which has been practiced for centuries, and has been consistently improving with more accurate calculation methods to predict human life. There are many significant aspects of numerology that are taken into account in a thorough numerology reading. The significances of life path number, capstone number etc many such fields of numerology help finding out the human personality attributes. More...
Challenge number, derived from your birth date, is the number that explains the challenges you are likely to face in your lifetime. It offers guidance to you to overcome those challenges. Confronting the hardships that come your way with all your strengths and positivity is what makes you human, the best creation of God. More...
Cornerstone number is a very important number in numerology. Corner stone number is the numerological number that is associated with the initial letter of your name. This first letter of your name (the name you usually go by) is your Cornerstone Letter. Both cornerstone number and cornerstone letter are similarly significant since both of them reveal a great deal about the nature, character and personality traits of a person. More...
Essence cycle number is considered to be very significant in numerology, for it gives an insight into the future circumstances in your life’s circle. A numerology reading based on this number will give you an idea of what kind of situations you will come across in different phases of life. Each essence cycle number has specific type of character and personality attributes. To know the positive and negative traits of personality associated with your essence cycle number you need a relevant numerology reading, which you can get right here. More...
First Vowel Numerology regards the first vowel in your name and finds the numerical value of it. A free first vowel numerology analysis tells you the influence of the first vowel on the different aspects of your professional as well as personal life. First Vowel Numerology also helps you understand how the first vowel in your name is influencing the positive as well as the negative traits of your personality. More...
Heart desire personality bridge number is determined based on your heart desire number and personality number. This bridge number is calculated by the difference between your heart desire number and personality number. The interpretation for this number reveals your innermost desires and how they are manifested though your personality as well as activities. Each digit has a special significance when they are treated as your heart desire personality bridge number. To know the character and personality traits associated with your bridge number, you have to know the figure and get an interpretation for it. More...
Hidden passion number is the number that occurs the most number of times in your name. It signifies your strength and skills that are greatly important in your life. Calculation of this number brings out the talent, the area of expertise that will make you a successful leader in life. The hidden-passion-number represents the kind of personality you have. At the same time, it also shapes your behavior and enables you to influence other people’s lives. More...
Inner dreams number, one of the major numbers in numerology, is often referred to as personality number. Numerology reading based on this number not only reveals your personality traits, but also makes predictions about your future. Inner dream number interpretation will also reveal those aspects of your personality, which are not to be easily noticed by any casual acquaintance. More...
Karmic debt number is a unique number in numerology. The interpretation of this number reveals how your life is going to be, considering your karma in past lives, which is reflected through your numerical association. There is a very unique way of finding if you have karmic debt. While doing your karmic debt number analysis, it is considered if these numbers are present in your life path number, expression number, heart desire number or any other major numerology number. More...
Karmic lessons number is a very important aspect in numerology. This number is calculated on the basis of your name. Each of the alphabets in your name has a number associated with it, and there is a specific theory for calculation, to determine your karmic lessons number. All the digits have unique significances as karmic lessons number. Your karmic lesson number reading will also reveal your strengths and weaknesses. More...
Life path expression bridge number is a very significant number in numerology, which discloses compatibility in your relationships. Analysis of this number tells you how serious and committed you are in dealings. Each of these numbers has some associated character and personality traits, especially in matters of relationships. More...
Life path period number is of unique significance in the sense that it reveals your personality in various periods of your life. Personality of an individual undergoes change with age and experience. An analysis of your life path period numbers will give you an impression of how your personality is going to change. Details about your mind and mentality at different life path periods will help you realize how you have already changed, and how you are going to change in the years to come. More...
Maturity number, often referred to as realization number, is one of the very noteworthy numbers in numerology. As maturity number, each digit has a unique implication. All of them have different character and personality attributes to confer onto the native. What does this number convey? Maturity number report for you tells you how mature you are in your thoughts. It will help you understand how well you learn from your experiences. It will make you aware if you are too immature in your thoughts. It will also reveal your maturity level and how you handle situations in life. More...
Minor Expression Number, often referred to as just expression number, is a very important number in numerology. The significance of your minor expression number is that it determines different aspects of your personal as well as professional life. Through a free minor expression number analysis you can get an insight in to your characteristic features, basic tendencies and personality traits – both positive and negative. More...
Minor heart desire number is a very significant numerology number. A numerological analysis of your minor heart desire number can reveal the core desires of your heart. Thus it also reveals certain aspects of your personality. What is pertinent about this numerology number is that it can make you consciously aware of what you want to do and be in your life. Minor heart desire number is calculated on the basis of your name – the first and the last name. More...
Each person in the world has certain personality traits that make them unique as a human being. These personality traits can be categorized on the basis of their numerical associations. The minor personality number is attributed with some personality features. Analysis of your minor personality number will reveal your characteristic features and personality traits. Minor personality number is a very important aspect of numerology. More...
Personal aspects number is also referred to as planes of expression number. It is a very important number in numerology since it divulges a lot about the inner self and outer personality of an individual. The uniqueness of this number is that it reveals different dimensions of your personality – physical, mental, emotional and intuitive. Each personal aspects number or planes of expression number has a certain energy vibe attached to it. How strong your personality is or how you tend to express your feelings and opinions can be revealed through personal aspects number analysis. More...
If you want to know your daily luck factors, you ought to get personal day number reading. Each individual has a personal day number each day; and each number has various luck and energy vibes attached to it. If you know your personal day number and get an interpretation for it, you will have an idea about what the day has in store for you. More...
Personal month number is considered to be a very important aspect in the study of numerology. This numerology number is determined on the basis of the date of birth of a native as well as the current month and year. The significance of personal month number is that it gives a forecast for a particular month. The luck influence factors related to personal month number is determined based on the fact that each number has a particular type of luck vibrations attached to it. More...
Personal year number is a significant number in numerology, which reveals many aspects of your nature, personality and future circumstances in the year ahead. Numerology calculations to determine this number takes into account your date of birth. If you want to know your personal year number, and learn how it influences your life and personality, you need to get a personal year number analysis. More...
Pinnacle number is an important aspect of numerology. Your pinnacle number, when interpreted, reveals many aspects of your nature and personality. A pinnacle number reading will also lets you know what lies ahead in the next calendar year. Each pinnacle number has an energy level associated with it. What kind of predictions does your pinnacle number make? It gives you an idea of what kind of situations will go through in the next calendar year. More...
Rational thought number is not a major number in numerology, but it is surely among the most significant one. Interpretation of your rational thought number shows how rational your thought process is. A complete rational thought number reading will also reveal certain other aspects of your nature and personality. Rational thought number interpretation will tell you how rational and practical you are in your decisions and strategies. More...
Subconscious self number is a significant numerology number. As other numbers in numerology influence some aspects of the personality, this number also has typical influences on your nature and personality. A numerology reading concentrating on this subject will tell you how you react to stressful situations. It also gives you an insight into your subconscious wishes and desires. Analysis of your subconscious self number lets you know your strengths and weaknesses. More...
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