Challenge Number

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Challenge number, derived from your birth date, is the number that explains the challenges you are likely to face in your lifetime. It offers guidance to you to overcome those challenges. Confronting the hardships that come your way with all your strengths and positivity is what makes you human, the best creation of God.

Challenge number calculation is based on your date of birth in an Month Date Year format. The early challenge number stays till about mid-life. After that, comes the mid-life challenge number according to Numerological calculations of Challenge number and after that, the main challenge number descends. The final one is the late life challenge number. In the study of numerology, challenge numbers are the only place where the ‘0’ occurs and it is said that if the main challenge number happens to be 0 in your case, you must have faced a lot of challenges in your life already.

The number 0 is known as the challenge of choice. It indicates that you are absolutely perfect at analyzing situations but unable to act on it with your full potential. If this is the case with you, you must not lose your self-confidence and use your abilities to the fullest to surmount the hardship. As the challenge number ascends upwards, the challenges tend to become more difficult.

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