Cartomancy Reading

Cartomancy is a form of divination with playing cards. Playing cards have been used for fortune telling for ages and have remained popular ever since. They are believed to be one of the unique methods of getting in touch with the spiritual world.

Cartomancy, the art of paying cards for the purpose of fortune telling, has been practiced since the eighteenth century. It is one of the most ancient forms of divination. It can be a very serious procedure, using complicated techniques that supposedly give out a very detailed reading for the enquirer in respect of his past, present and even his future.

Like Tarot, a Cartomancy reading also involves many spreads like the Single Card Lay, Romany/ Gypsy spread, Destiny Square, Chakra spread, Relationship spread, Celtic cross spread, Pyramid spread, Horseshoe of fate, 15 card spread, 3 cards spread, Answer spread, Six card spread, Zodiac Spread, Nine card spread, 5 cards spread, Kabalistic Tree of Life and the Numerology Spread. Different spreads are used for different kinds of readings. The user then has the option to choose the kind of spread he would like to use for his reading.

A Cartomancy reading too is interpreted in a similar way like Tarot card reading. It not only helps one know what the future has in store for him but also improves the intuitive skills of the reader.

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Cartomancy, the art of paying cards for the purpose of fortune telling, has been practiced since the eighteenth century. Like Tarot, a Cartomancy reading also involves many spreads. A Cartomancy reading too is interpreted in a similar way like Tarot card reading. It not only helps one know what the future has in store for him but also improves the intuitive skills of the reader.

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