Daily I Ching

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Daily I Ching or Hexagram predicts your fortune for a particular day. Like horoscopes, I Ching too can provide you with an insight into the future. You can use this on an everyday basis which can serve you as a guideline in solving your worries.

I Ching Hexagram For The Day is Abundance (Fullness)

Changing Lines :- 6,4,5,3,2,1

Judgment Description

There are several ups and downs in life, and really happy and prosperous times are hard to come by. You may feel a little sad during this period, thinking that sorrow and bad times will soon follow. However, your inner strength of character and sense of justice will make you lead the day and reap benefits from it.

Judgment Poem

Abundance has success.The king attains abundance.Be not sad.Be like the sun at midday.

Image Description

Both thunder and lightning act together, to create a superior force and power which bestows the abundance of nature upon you. Therefore, you should make proper use of this time since it is likely to be short-lived, and lead a more full life. This inner judgment will ultimately make you successful.

Image Poem

Both thunder and lightning come:The image of Abundance.Thus the superior man decides lawsuits And carries out punishments.