Daily I Ching

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Daily I Ching or Hexagram predicts your fortune for a particular day. Like horoscopes, I Ching too can provide you with an insight into the future. You can use this on an everyday basis which can serve you as a guideline in solving your worries.

I Ching Hexagram For The Day is Limitation

Changing Lines :- 4

Judgment Description

At all times in your life, you should exercise some limitations, on your surrounding conditions and lifestyle. These are effective in the sense that they make you better prepared for bad times that may come in future. However, you should be careful that too much limitation can be injurious to your health, and simultaneously others may also rebel if you impose too many restrictions upon them.

Judgment Poem

Limitation. Success.Galling limitation must not be persevered in.

Image Description

The image used here is that of a lake which only has a limited amount of water. Similarly, there are limitations on life, which you have to accept as inevitable and directed by the supreme powers. You can in fact, derive inner strength of character only by restrictions that you impose on yourself in limited measures.

Image Poem

Water over lake: the image of Limitation.Thus the superior manCreates number and measure,And examines the nature of virtue and correct conduct.