Aztec Astrology

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Aztec astrology is one of the earliest Mesoamerican system. The Aztec calendar is known as the tonalpohualli and consists of 260 days. This system has 20 day signs each ruled by a God/ Goddess. These day signs describe the characteristics of the person born under the sign.

Hello Leo Grant, date of birth entered by you is July 28, 1986 based on which your Aztec Astrology Analysis is as below.

Aztec Astrology Day Sign (Tonali)
Keywords: English Name:
Practical and intellectualDeer

Aztec Day Sign:

The eleventh sign of the Aztec astrology, Ozomahtli signifies the west direction. They are the performers, actors and the dramatists. Social life is something which attracts these people and this often leads to quarrel in family life. It is not that they do not care for their family, but social life is the first priority in the life of these people. Born under this sign you people want constant attention and recognition wherever you go. Mental stimulation is the best way to keep these people active. Monkey folks are basically intelligent, active, and witty and are the jack of all trades.

Aztec Day Sign God:

Mictlantecuhtli the ruler of the underworld or the Land of Death is associated with the owl, bat and the spider. With the notion of creating new life on Earth when Quetzalcoatl needed the human bones from the inhabitants of the underworld, Mictlantecuhtli initially agreed to it. But when Quetzalcoatl came over to collect bones Mictlantecuhtli changed his mind and denied to help him. To escape from the wrath of Mictlantecuhtli Quetzalcoatl somehow managed to escape and during the act he dropped down some of the bones he had collected. This is the reason why human body has bones of various sizes and shapes. Mictlantecuhtli rules over the Itzcuintli dog of the Aztec zodiac.

Aztec Astrology Day Number

Aztec Number:

Aztec Day Number:
07 Chicome

'Energy to catalyze' is what describes this day number of Aztec astrology. This number is looked upon as an opening to all new beginnings. The natives of this number are considered to be lucky at the time of opening up new businesses or ventures. Seven persons act as mirrors reflecting the good as well as the dark sides of the society. Born under this day number, you are associated with the creation and flow of all heavenly things.

Aztec Day Number God:

Centeotl is the maize god. He is also referred to as the Xilonen, which means 'the Hairy One'. He is the son of Tlazolteotl. Chicomecoatl is his female counterpart and she is the maize goddess.

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