Zodiac Psyche Sign describes the placement of the asteroid Psyche in your birth chart. This asteroid is also known as the Goddess of the Soul. This sign helps you understand yourself and know your soul, mind and self better. This is based on Western Astrology.
Zodiac Psyche Sign describes your characteristics based on the placement of the asteroid Psyche in your natal chart.
Along with the sun sign and moon sign, the Psyche sign also helps you understand yourself better. Psyche in Greek means Soul. This has given rise to a most unconventional kind of astrology. The name has come from Greek mythology where the stories are about evil fathers, jealous women and prince charming. Psyche stands for everything related to love, passion, jealousy and our inner self. This asteroid tells us a lot about ourselves and our journey through life. It gives us an aim to know our soul and mind better and know where we stand today. It tells us about what we expect from our partners and what we crave for in a relationship.
Zodiac Psyche Sign is a very simple tool that helps you know yourself better thus making you more sensitive to the unexplored realms of compatibility astrology. Zodiac Psyche Sign is a freeware which has been designed keeping in mind the average computer user.