
Zodiac Passion Sign

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Zodiac Passion Sign Is

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Zodiac Passion Sign describes your characteristics based on the placement of Mars in your birth chart. Mars is a planet which is considered to be the planet of Passion. This sign describes the zeal of your life and what makes you happy and unhappy. This sign also describes your actions in a romantic relationship and what turns you on or off.

Zodiac Passion Sign describes your characteristics based on the placement of Mars in your birth chart. Along with the sun sign and moon sign, the passion sign also helps you understand yourself better. Mars is known as the ‘Fiery Planet’ or the ‘Red Planet’ and represents passion, zeal and confidence of a person. In Roman mythology Mars was the God of bloodshed. This planet governs our sexuality, aggression, ambitions, energy and physical activity. It shows the passionate and adventurous side of an individual’s personality.

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