Western Astrology Charts
Get free accurate online Western astrology birth charts. Birth charts or natal charts are graphical interpretations of your horoscope showing the positions of the different planets in the 12 signs of the zodiac and the 12 houses. Understand your personality better based on the planetary positions, sun sign, ascendant, moon sign, aspects and other detailed astrological calculations. Western astrology charts also include your natal wheel chart, Draconic astrology chart, planetary patterns and empty elements. Know more about your astrological signs and get your exclusive natal chart for future predictions. Generate instant zodiac birth charts and get your results in seconds!
The birth-chart or natal-chart is essentially a calculated mathematical representation of the planetary positions at the precise time of ones birth. Heres how it is designed. The exact time, date, week, month and year are noted and then calculated on the basis of the ascendants direction – eastern horizon. The other information on the chart is noted in an anti-clockwise manner. More...
The unique thing about Empty Elements astrology is that it not only tells you what happens to you considering the planetary patterns in your birth chart, but also lets you know the missing elements in your birth chart. Let us explain to you the western astrology missing elements and also the significance of the missing elements in astrology. More...
Astrology is based on the influences of the different planets, the sun, the moon and also the various stars on the individuals. In fact it is the positions of the astrological planets that decide what kind or type if influence it will have on an individual. The relative positions of the planets or the planetary positions are also important. More...
Among the dominant astrology systems, Draconic astrology is a very important and significant one. Though the calculation styles and astrology signs are different a draconic astrology reading reveals all aspects of human nature and character. Many people prefer Draconic astrology reading to tropical astrology reading. More...