Mayan Astrology Birth Chart

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Mayan Astrology Birth Chart generates your birth chart based on Mayan principles. The Mayan birth chart is similar to the natal chart generated in Western astrology. It consists of glyphs placed in the four main directions of north, south, east and west and the birth glyph placed in the centre. The different glyphs in the specific positions have their own importance and effects on our lives.

Hello Butch, date of birth entered by you is September 14, 1954 based on which your Mayan Astrology Birth Chart Reading is as below.





Red Earth
The 'Red Earth' person is always on the lookout for self improvement. You consider your life on earth as a great lesson in evolving your self. The experiences during your course of life on earth are vital for progress. You always seek to gain the true knowledge beyond all that is apparent. The concept of synchronicity is also important for you. If you look at the incidents and their consequences in life, you would feel that all those things are an intrinsic pattern of an intricate design. Life pushes us around to draw our attention to the basic workings of nature and the universe. With a probing mind and high level of perception, you are likely to gain that valuable knowledge. Your challenge glyph is 'Blue Hand'. You get along well with 'White Wind'.

White Wind
The most notable trait about the persons born on White Wind days is their exceptional interpersonal skill. When it comes to communicating others in a successful way, you are surely to be regarded as a consummate performer. Armed with excellent conversational skill, you know very well how to use the gift of the gab to your advantage. You do not use your skill only for the sake of your own benefit. During a lifetime, you feel it as your duty to spread the message of peace, harmony and love. If guided properly, you can make an excellent teacher, writer or orator. You are compatible with Red Earth people while a Yellow Human person can pose a formidable challenge for you.

Yellow Seed
Regarding a nurturing attitude, these people are similar to Red Dragon people to some extent. You always want to sow the seeds of enlightenment, humanitarian ideas and benevolence so that everyone can reap a reach harvest eventually. From the projects you undertake, others would derive sustenance and nourishment. You are endowed with great teaching abilities and you may even be a pioneer in this field by incorporating new and useful concepts. Coming in touch with you can be a spiritually enriching experience for your disciples. Yellow Seeds are teachers and nurturers. Tend your seeds well today and pay proper attention so that you can enjoy beautiful blooms tomorrow. You may find problem dealing with White Wizard. You are most compatible with Blue Eagle persons.

Blue Hand
Blue Hand people have the ability to rise above all kinds of adversities and negative influences to attain peace of mind. Harmonious relationships and peace are the two most important conditions for a successful world. The journey of life to attain serenity, calmness and a greater sense of self-confidence is definitely not easy. Injustice, bad experience, aggression and sufferings cast a corrupting effect on our personalities. Depending on our inner power, such unwanted experiences can transform us into cynical people full of pessimism. In such conditions, we need the helping hand, the 'blue hand' that can restore our dreams and aspirations. You are gifted with excellent resilience and able to overcome personal agonies and sufferings. Your challenging sign is 'Red Earth' and the sign most compatible with you is 'Yellow Human'.

Red Moon
This is the ninth glyph of Mayan calendar. If you were born on a 'Red Moon' day, you will be a happy-go-lucky sort of person. Pursuing your goal with dogged determination, restlessly roaming in the quest of truth or enlightenment is certainly not your way. You are well versed in the art of accepting life as it comes to you. You should not push too hard in order to get success or admiration from others. Enjoy a laid back lifestyle and wait patiently until the future shows you what it has in store. Highly flexible, you are good at adapting to all kinds of situations. While others may face problems during changing times, you know how to go with the flow. Communicating with 'Blue Storm' persons can be a problem for you. You are compatible with 'White Dog' persons.

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