Chinese Lunar Mansions Xiu

Chinese lunar mansion or Xiu influences its native remarkably. A moon mansion interpretation lets you know the effects of lunar mansion on your personality attributes.

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A Chinese lunar mansion is a very effective astrology system based on the Chinese principles of astrology reading. Unlike most of the astrology systems that are based on the 12 houses of the zodiac, Chinese lunar mansion system or Xiu bases its calculation on the 28 mansions of the moon. Natives born under each of the 28 lunar mansions have different character and personality attributes. It is necessary to mention in this regard that each individual on this planet happens to be a native of one moon mansion or the other, depending on the moon position at the time of his/her birth.

Xiu reading or Chinese moon mansion interpretation will give you an insight into your nature, character and personality traits. Your Chinese lunar mansion also influences the situations at different phases of your personal as well as professional field. If you want to know the type of influence of the Chinese moon mansion on you, you have to get a Xiu analysis or lunar mansion reading.

The Chinese lunar mansion report will let you know which of the twenty eight mansions of the moon rules you. You will also get the explanation of the Chinese moon mansion influences on the various aspects of your life.

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