Descendant Astrology

Descendant Astrology calculates your descendant sign based on Western Astrology concepts. The Descendent represents the kind of connections you make with people. It describes your infatuations and the kind of life partner you are looking for. The descendant sign shows the kind of partners you are attracted to in real life. The descendent is a very important point on your natal chart. This is one of the most important angles on a natal chart. Descendant can stand for your complete potential and what you are capable of achieving.

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Descendant Astrology calculates your descendant sign based on Western Astrology concepts. The Descendent represents the kind of connections you make with people. It describes your infatuations and the kind of life partner you are looking for.

Along with the sun sign and moon sign, the Descendant sign also helps you understand yourself better. This has given rise to a most unconventional kind of astrology. This is a part of angular astrology or the different angles made on your birth chart. The descendant and the ascendant of the person go together hand in hand. The ascendant shows the outer personality of a person. The descendant sign shows the kind of partners you are attracted to in real life. The descendent is a very important point on your natal chart. This is one of the most important angles on a natal chart. Descendant can stand for your complete potential and what you are capable of achieving. Knowing your descendant sign along with your sun sign and moon sign represents your total astrological personality.

Descendant Astrology is a very simple software that helps you know yourself better thus making you more sensitive to the unexplored realms of astrology. This is a freeware which has been designed keeping in mind the average computer user. Moreover the readings generated come in easy-to-read format and in a simple and understandable language.

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